June 5 - August 3
(Not in session July 3-4)
Lunch times: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday - Thursday
For Children 1 year to 18 years (no adults)
Eat- in Sites: Heritage • Independence • Liberty • Unity
Food Truck Locations:
Truck #1 : Lincoln Park (11-11:20) • Faurot Park (11:30-11:50) • MLK Park (12-12:20)
Truck #2 : *Lima West Apts (11-11:20) • * Brower Road Apts (11:30-11:50) • * Maplewood Apts (12-12:20) *Childrens Hunger Alliance Shelf Stable Meal (DROP OFF ONLY)
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.