Join us for Mr. & Mrs. Bob's Breakfast Benefit - Saturday, July 24 from 6:30 am - noon in the Middle School cafeteria. Mr. Bob is a custodian at Maplewood. His wife, affectionately know as Mrs. Bob, has been diagnosed with cancer. All proceeds will benefit the family.
over 3 years ago, Leigh Ditto
Breakfast Benefit Flyer
Due to the weather forecast for tomorrow, we are going to switch the 4th grade celebration from Wednesday, June 2nd to Thursday, June 3rd. We are hoping to be able to celebrate outside on Thursday from 1pm-3pm. If we are unable to be outside, we will have our celebration indoors.
over 3 years ago, Mindy Molaski
If your Maplewood student purchased a Maplewood 50 year shirt, please have them wear it to school on Tuesday June 1st. If they did not, please have them wear Shawnee spirit wear for our 50 year celebration on this day. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Mindy Molaski
MAPLEWOOD ART GALLERY WALK 3rd grade Tuesday, May 25th 5-7pm 4th grade Thursday, May 27th 5-7pm *Masks and social distancing appreciated. Please email Ms. Mulder with any question at
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
Friday, May 21st is Field Day at Maplewood. Please be sure your student brings a sacked lunch this day as the cafeteria will not be serving food. Also with the warm weather, please be sure to send a water bottle and sunscreen with your student. 4th grade activities are in the morning and 3rd grade will participate in the afternoon. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
Shawnee High School boys basketball team is holding a camp for any boys entering grades 3-8 from June 28th-July 1st. There are forms at the Maplewood office for any student interested in participating. Please call the office with any questions!
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
Our 4th grade students will be visiting the Middle School this week for a tour for next year. Wood, Rollins, Hohman, and Hutchins homerooms will be visiting Tuesday, May 18th from 9:50-11:00am. Moeller, Hulihan, Werst, and Kaskocsak will be visiting Wednesday, May 19th from 9:50-11:00am. Please call the office with any questions!
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 11th is the last day Maplewood will be able to accept field day shirt orders to get the shirts in time for field day. Please be sure to send in any orders in with your student. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
There will not be tickets passed out for the Daddy/Daughter dance scheduled for this Saturday. They will have a list of names of families that have paid and will be able to mark your name off of that list. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
All Maplewood girls are invited to the Daddy/Daughter dance on Saturday, May 8th. If you have not purchased tickets for the event yet, please send in order forms and the $20 ticket fee to the Maplewood office by Friday, April 30th. You can also purchase tickets online at until Sunday, May 2nd. There are order forms in the Maplewood office if needed.
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
For the 10th straight year, Shawnee recognized again by US News and World Report as a top school in America. BEST SCHOOLS AWARD BADGE - 2021 National Award (Silver in color) State: 60 out of 683 Ohio Ranked Schools #1 in Lima, OH Metro Area High Schools Here is the link: Proud of our Tribe!!!
almost 4 years ago, James Kanable
Please remember to turn in your students 50 year celebration T-Shirt order form if they are wanting to purchase one by Friday, April 30th. The T-Shirts are $10 each and there are extra order forms in the office. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
All Maplewood girls are invited to the Daddy/Daughter dance on Saturday, May 8th. If you have not purchased tickets for the event yet, please send in order forms and the $20 ticket fee to the Maplewood office by Friday, April 30th. You can also purchase tickets online at until Sunday, May 2nd. There are order forms in the Maplewood office if needed.
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
Please remember to send a water bottle and mask to school with your student each day. We have had a lot of students not bringing these items and the school is running low on these to pass out to them. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
As the weather gets warmer and students are outside playing more, we ask that you please remember to send a water bottle in with your student each day. Due to the COVID restrictions this year, we do not have working water fountains, only the bottle refill stations.
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
Shawnee Elementary PTC Presents A night in Paris Maplewood's Daddy Daughter Dance 3rd and 4th grade girls with their father figures Saturday May 8, 20201 Shawnee Alliance Church Activity Center 4450 Shawnee Rd. Doors open 5:45 PM Tickets: $20 Per Family Tickets purchased online https://
almost 4 years ago, Leslie Olsson
Maplewood will be celebrating with the Shawnee Boys Basketball team and their win on Saturday to go to the State tournament next week. Monday's theme is wear RED! Go Indians!!
almost 4 years ago, Mindy Molaski
4th Grade Skating Party Thursday March 25th, 2021 6-8pm Edgewood Skate Arena - 2170 Edgewood Dr. Lima Admission is free for all Maplewood 4th graders Skate Rental $2.00 regular skates, $3.00 Inline skates Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay, if leaving must sign waiver Pickup is promptly at 8:00PM Paid for by the PTC
almost 4 years ago, Leslie Olsson
The deadline to order a Maplewood yearbook has been extended until Friday, February 26. To place your order, visit: and enter ID code: 11144021.
about 4 years ago, Leigh Ditto
Tomorrow is the last day to order a Maplewood yearbook. To place your order, visit: and enter ID code: 11144021.
about 4 years ago, Leigh Ditto