Thursday, December 12, 2024
Toys for Tots bins are located in the East & West offices. They are collecting new toys for boys and girls. Toys do not need to be gift wrapped. Donations need to be dropped off by today.
Attention Seniors! If you have not filled out the Diploma Name Form in google classroom, please do so today.
Spirit wear for Boys Soccer can be picked up in the Attendance Office.
There is a Voices for Change meeting today after school today in room 102. We hope to see you there!
Student Passes are still on sale for the JV & Varsity Home Boys basketball games. Each pass is $32 and can be purchased in the Athletic Office.
The third Ohio Math League Contest will be held on Tuesday in room 206 from 2:45-3:15. If you plan to attend, you must stay the entire 30 minutes.
Ms. Coats’ class will be selling Christmas Holiday grams in both cafeterias today. They are 4/$1.00. If you would like your grams to be delivered on Thursday, December 19, place the student’s name and 6th period classroom number in the space provided on the back of the cards. They must be returned to students that are selling or to room 126 by Wednesday, December 18th.
There are still several spots available for our Blood Drive next Tuesday. Every donation can help save up to three lives, and we need your support! The Drive is open to all Seniors, Juniors, and Staff members. Sign up by scanning the QR code on the flyers posted around the school.