Thursday, September 29, 2022
There will be a Quiz Bowl meeting on Monday October 3rd after school in Mr. Young’s room (#129). We will discuss the events and practice schedule for this year and practice after the meeting until 3:30. Anyone interested is welcome. See Mr. Young if you are interested, but unable to attend the meeting.
The Weight Room will be closed today & tomorrow after school.
The girls volleyball team has a home match vs Van Wert this evening. Freshmen will begin at 4:30, JV to start at 5:30 and Varsity to follow!
Attention - all students that enter the building on the EAST side in the morning… the door that is unlocked in the morning to enter the building on the EAST side will be changed as of Tuesday, October 4. Starting Tuesday, October 4, enter through Door E8 instead of Door E4. Use Door E8 which enters into the long hallway behind the gymnasium, instead of Door E4, which is across from the Band Room. Door E4 will not be unlocked in the mornings as of Tuesday, October 4. Please be ready for this change in the morning so that you will not be late to your first class.
Any students that ordered SPIRIT WEAR - Orders are in and can be picked up in the West Office. No passes will be issued to pick up Spirit Wear orders.
Juniors and Seniors interested in attending one of the upcoming college conferences should sign up in the guidance office.
NHS tutoring is held in the GIC after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
After school math is available every Thursday in Mrs. Keller’s room.