Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Attention all students! After 4th period today, you will go to 6th period due to the early release schedule. For students who are normally an early release for 6th period, you will report to Ms. Hirn in Room 206; students who are normally an early release for 7th period, you will report to Mr. Dronberger in the East Cafeteria. ALL students who have 5C lunch must stay through the entire lunch period.
There will not be NHS tutoring today after school due to the early release.
By donating toys, you can make a difference for children who don’t receive Christmas gifts. Toys for Tots is collecting new, unwrapped toys. Please drop off donations in the Toys for Tots boxes located outside of the East and West Offices by December 9th.
Congratulations to the Shawnee League of Legends team for winning the Esports Ohio State Finals! After going down a game in the first match, they were able to win the next two to win the best out of three series.
For anyone interested in playing football next year, there will be a meeting in the weightroom after school on Monday.
There will be no school for the rest of this week. School will resume on Monday, November 28th. Happy Thanksgiving!!!