Monday, December 19, 2022

 Quote of the week: “Christmas is not a time nor season; but a state of mind….” 

- Calvin Coolidge.

 Congratulations to our wrestling team on their 2nd place finish at the Allen County Invitational! Individual placers were: Kole Dodson - 5th, Nolan Sites - 6th, Donavyn Campbell - 2nd, Alejandro Reyes - 2nd, Kael Dodson - 7th, Ethan Morgan - 2nd, Pete Dwyer - 6th, Landon Gallegos - 3rd, Ben Bullock - 4th, Drew Neidemire - 2nd, Tyler Lauck - 7th, Preston Coppler - 2nd, Champ Keysor - 4th.

The Red Cross Blood Drive will be held tomorrow in the gym from 8:00-1:00. The drive is open to all Juniors, Seniors and staff members. You can sign up by scanning the QR code on the flyers that are posted around the school. Please see the East office if you have any questions. 

There will be a meeting for all TEAMS members tomorrow after school in Mr. McGreevy's room. We will be organizing groups and discussing work over the break. The meeting should last around 30 minutes. 

For those interested in being a part of the Spring play - there will be a meeting in room 206 after school tomorrow December 20th.

Congratulations to the Cast and Crew on their stellar performances of White Christmas. Thank you to all who came out and supported the Drama Department and helped make the show a success. 

Don’t forget to check the Lost & Found in the East office if you are missing any of your personal belongings.