Important Exam Information

Please see the information below regarding exam schedules, guidelines, and delay schedules in case of bad weather on Thursday and/or Friday.

Thursday, January 12th / Friday, January 13th

1st Period / 2nd Period

7:35 - 8:45 AM

3rd Period / 4th Period

8:50 - 10:00 AM

5th Period / 6th Period

10:05 - 11:15 AM

7th Period / Make-Up Exams

11:20 AM - 12:30 PM

- Students in grades 9-12 are permitted to arrive late and leave early if they have a study hall 1st/7th or 2nd/6th period.  For example, on Thursday if a student has a 1st period study hall, they may wait to arrive for their 3rd period exam, etc.

- Once students arrive at school they must stay for each exam period unless they have a study hall at the end of the day. No students may leave and return during exam days, it is not an Open Campus schedule.

Seniors who have an A (91% or higher) will be exempt from taking Semester Course exams for semester courses.  Seniors with an A are not exempt from semester exams for year-long courses.  Only students with study hall or senior exemptions 1st/7th or 2nd/6th period may report late or leave early.  Seniors with exemptions between other exams must report to study hall, they are not permitted to leave.  It is not an open campus schedule.

- Students that need to ride the bus home from school will report to the East Cafeteria after their last exam.

- Lunch will not be offered to students.  Students that need to stay for the rest of the day must bring their own lunch.

- Breakfast will be available as usual in the East Cafeteria on both exam days.

Thursday / Friday 2 Hour Delay Schedule

1st Period / 2nd Period

9:35 - 10:45 AM

3rd Period / 4th Period

10:50 AM - 12:00 AM

BREAK - 12:00 - 12:40 PM

5th Period / 6th Period

12:40 - 1:50 PM

7th Period / Make-Up Exams

Rescheduled to Tuesday, January 17 at 7:35 AM

- In the event of a two hour delay, students must bring their own lunch if they want to eat during the 12:00 - 12:40 pm break.  Cafeterias will not be serving lunch, and students are not permitted to leave and return to school - it is not an open campus.

- Students that need to take a 7th period exam or make-up exam on Tuesday, January 17 must report at 7:35 am. All other students may report at 8:50 am unless they need to ride the bus to school. Busses will run on their normal schedule. Students that ride the bus to school but do not have a 7:35 am exam will report to the East Cafeteria until 8:50 am.

- If school is cancelled on either exam day, those exams will be moved to next week.