Shawnee Middle School
3235 Zurmehly Road, Lima, OH 45806
MS Attendance Line: 419-998-8058
Phone: 419-998-8057
Fax: 419-998-8067
3235 Zurmehly Road, Lima, OH 45806
MS Attendance Line: 419-998-8058
Phone: 419-998-8057
Fax: 419-998-8067
Throughout this school year, Lucas has consistently demonstrated kindness, respect, and a strong work ethic. He is always polite and considerate, and frequently engages in additional tasks without expecting a reward. He has a positive attitude and commitment to excellence.
- Lucan Hannan - 5th Grade
Beckett works hard every single day, demonstrating initiative regularly in the classroom. He takes ownership of his schoolwork by striving to do his best on all assignments. He is very cooperative with adults and peers and works well with others.
- Beckett Marsh - 5th Grade
Kade is a dream student! He consistently puts forth his best effort in all that he does. Not only is he bright and hard-working, but he is also kind and reliable. Kade is always willing to help out in any way that he can and is a great role model for his peers.
- Kade McGreevy - 5th Grade
Skylar is a true example of someone who hits all of our PBIS goals! She advocates for herself and others and takes ownership of her learning, always meeting goals and striving to improve! Skylar takes initiative to help her peers in need and teachers.
- Skylar Heggins - 6th Grade
Maddie demonstrates great citizenship! She takes pride in her school, her belongings and best of all, her fellow classmates! Maddie comes to school every day with an amazing attitude and a "light up your day" smile. She takes the initiative to help others unselfishly.
- Maddie Miller - 6th Grade
Eliott consistently demonstrates excellence both inside and outside of the classroom. Beyond his academic achievements, he is a kind and respectful individual who goes out of his way to help others. His ability to balance academics, leadership, and personal responsibility.
- Eliott Ridenour - 6th Grade
Reed is a great asset to Shawnee Middle School. He is hard-working and courteous in the classroom, always treating his teachers and classmates respectfully. Additionally, he participates in extra- curricular activities and is always a good teammate.
- Reed Croyle - 7th Grade
Logan deserves the Shawnee Salute because he has a terrific attitude about everything on a daily basis. He is a diligent student, invites shy classmates to work with him and others, and he is funny without being mean. He shows advocacy for others and initiative.
- Logan Neeld - 7th Grade
Bella is a kind student with a strong work ethic. Bella turns her work in on time and generously offers help to others. She also works hard on the volleyball court, playing for both Shawnee and club teams. Bella takes initiative to make improvements in her work.
- Bella Young - 7th Grade
Hannah exemplifies the Indian Expectations by always coming to class on time and prepared! She often participates in class and has interesting and thoughtful comments that help the class understand the material. She is also willing to help just about anyone who asks.
- Hannah Gideon - 8th Grade
Ashton approaches every challenge with determination and a positive attitude. He puts forth his best effort in academics, actively participates in class, and is always willing to help his peers. Beyond academics, Ashton is a model school citizen.
- Ashton Lea - 8th Grade
Eli is a hard-working student who always comes to school with a positive attitude. He works hard and volunteers in class daily. He offers to help others in need and takes care to pay attention to details when completing tests and assignments. He is also a very gifted gymnast
- Eli Rivera - 8th Grade