Visit the Shawnee Middle School Art Show today from 11-2 in the MS cafeteria.
over 2 years ago, Tony Cox
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
Monday and Tuesday of this week current fourth graders visited the Middle School. The students met with fifth grade teachers and had the chance to ask questions about SMS. The students also met with a panel of current fifth graders so they could hear their tips on how to succeed in the fifth grade. Time ended with a tour of the building. Thanks to the fourth and fifth grade teachers as well as Mrs. Melson for helping plan this event.
over 2 years ago, Tony Cox
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
For information on this summer's Shawnee Boys Basketball Camp for Grades 3-8 click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
Shawnee Boys Basketball Camp
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
Scholastic BOGO Book Fair is at Shawnee Middle School in the IMC May 2nd-6th. Everything is buy one get one free! Family Night is May 4th from 3:00-6:00 in the IMC.
over 2 years ago, Tony Cox
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the May Mental Health Newsletter click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Minnick
To view the SMS Announcements (Indian Information) click:
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Minnick