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Shawnee Schools will dismiss early on Wednesday, December 20th for Winter break. High School and Middle School will release at 12:55 pm. Maplewood and Elmwood will release at 2 pm. School resumes Wednesday, January 3rd.
After 23 rounds of competition, Ope Balogun was named the Shawnee Middle School Spelling Bee Champion for the second year in a row! Yanni Southibounnorath was tough competition for Ope and won second place. Congratulations to Ope, Yanni, and the rest of today's participants! We are very proud of you.
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SMS final reminder, snack donations for the Winter Dance tonight are still needed.
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Middle School fundraiser dance party is tomorrow afternoon.
Middle school PTC is accepting donations of individually wrapped snacks for the winter dance from 12/6-12/12. Send to the main office.
Congratulations to our November Students of the Month who received the Shawnee Salute Award! The Shawnee Salute Award recognizes students who go above and beyond exemplifying our Indian Expectations.
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Attention SMS parents! The fundraiser limo lunch event will be this Friday 12/1. Students received their awards today with additional information.
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Middle School picture retakes are on 12/1. Forms are in the front office if your student needs one.
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