Camp Crosley Reminders! Students must be dropped off by 8:30AM Monday Nov 11th for
SMS: Camp Crosley. I f your child MUST ride the bus to school that day, they are not permitted to bring luggage onto the bus due to space. There will be a luggage drop off Sunday, Nov. 10th 2:00-5:00 at cafeteria doors for those who need to ride the bus to school. Also, students are NOT to bring technology (phones) to camp, please be sure they leave these with you before drop off!
And the tree has been removed!
SMS Parents, do not come down Beeler to pick your students up today. A tree just fell and you won't be able to get through.
Scholastic Book Fair is in full swing at Shawnee Middle School. Sales run throughout the school day and will also be open late Wednesday November 6th for Family Night, 4:30 - 8pm.
SMS: The fundraiser Sky Zone field trip is scheduled for November 15. To ensure your child can participate, please make sure to complete and sign the waiver via the following link. If your child qualified for the bring a friend option please contact the PTC with the friends name and make sure a waiver is signed for them also. Thank you! Shawnee Middle School PTC
Congratulations to our October Students of the Month who received the Shawnee Salute Award! The Shawnee Salute Award recognizes students who go above and beyond exemplifying our Indian Expectations.
MS Grade cards will be posted on ProgressBook Friday November 1st. Printed Copies are only available upon request. Contact the attendance line for that.
Our Volleyball team earned a spot in the Regional Semi-Final! Their match will be played at 8 pm on Thursday, October 31 at Norwalk High School, 350 Shady Lane Dr., Norwalk.
Due to the late start and considerable travel time, Shawnee Schools will operate on a two-hour delay schedule Friday, November 1, 2024. Your community is proud of your accomplishments! Go Tribe!
This Friday, October 25th, LifeTouch will be at Shawnee Middle School for Picture Retake Day. Forms and information are in the Main Office. Retakes will begin right at the beginning of our day.
We are in need of empty plastic milk/water gallon jugs for an upcoming project at the middle school. Please send any that you have in with your student through next week. Thank you for your support!
Our talented 7th-12th grade vocalists have been rehearsing for their upcoming concert. Join us for an evening of wonderful music! Wednesday, October 23rd at 7 pm in Hugh Downs Auditorium.
SMS: Any current 7th or 8th grader planning to play a Winter Sport must have all forms in Final Forms signed by a parent & yourself. You also must have a current physical on file. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Wheeler.
Reminder, SMS 5th/6th graders, the Monster Mash Dance is today from 6:00pm-7:30pm. The Monster Mash is for Shawnee Middle School 5th and 6th graders only. Drop off and pick-up for 5th grade will be in the front. Drop off and pick up for sixth grade will be in the back of the building at the 7th and 8th grade cafeteria. All rides should be here by 7:30 PM. $5 Entry Fee!
Costumes are encouraged, but they must be school appropriate
MS Families:
Congratulations to the 7th and 8th grade Allen County Quiz Bowl Champions. They placed 1st out of 12 teams. Great season and well done!
Reminder for Shawnee Middle School Families!
The fundraiser pick-up is today from 3 PM to 6 PM in the 7th/8th grade cafeteria. Don’t forget to grab your items!
Also, today is the last day to drop off donations for the Monster Mash Dance. Your contributions make a big difference, so please help us out!
Thank you for your support!
October is Bullying Prevention Month. On Wednesday, October 16th, Shawnee Local Schools will be observing Unity Day as a district. Students and staff are invited to wear orange to support kindness, acceptance and inclusion. All clothing must be school appropriate!
Please visit the Parent Teacher Conference page on the SMS website for scheduling information. Conferences will be held on Wed., Oct. 30th (5-8pm), Wed., Nov. 6th (5-8pm) and on Fri., Nov. 8th (8am-12pm).
6th graders experimented with gigantic bubbles to explore surface tension. To see more photos of the activity, visit
The Middle School fundraiser pick-up will be on Tuesday, October 15, from 3 to 6 PM. We’ll do our best to have items ready after school. Please pick up items behind the middle school in the 7th/8th grade cafeteria.
Also, please remember that we’re looking for donations for the snack table at the Monster Mash dance. Thank you!
$5.00 Entry Fee
October 16, 2024
5th & 6th Grade
In Middle School Large Cafeteria